Basic material:
a ball
a squeak
an hourglass
what to write
Chinese portrait
A1/A2 - B1/B2
Learning to know each other
Levels A1/A2
If I were an animal, I would be...
If I were a flower, I would be...
If I was a vegetable, I would be...
If I were a season, I would be...
If I were a fruit, I would be...
If I were a nationality, I would be...
If I was a song, I would be...
Levels B1/B2
If I was a memory, I would be...
If I was a feeling, I would be...
If I was a year, I would be...
Level : A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 - C1 - C2
General theme
Language activities: CO - PO - CE - PE
Language skills: conj, orth etc.
Number of participants
Necessary material
tell me 5 words
Write a text
Ideal animation to start the contest " Tell me ten words "
1- With the ball, choose among the learners
five words. Write them on the board (or other).
2- Individually or in small groups, write a text of approximately 60 words using the five selected words.
3- Read the texts to the whole group and correct.
> choose a specific theme for the words
eg: verbs; a particular lexical field; a country...
> write a poem
> level A0 : write 5 sentences, one for each word
Guess words
Oral expression
from 4 people
1- Preparing for the game
> cut out 5 small papers per person
> write a word on each piece of paper (objects, places, films, songs, characters, etc.)
> fold the papers in half and put them together in a hat (or other)
2- The organization of the game
> the game is played in three rounds :
define the word
mime the word
say a single word
> the game is organized in groups of 3 or more
> the goal of the game is to guess as many words as possible
> time for each lap: 1min or 1min30
3- The course of the game
Each round proceeds in the same way:
> each group chooses a person "P" who will guess the word
NB: change "P" at each turn of the floor...
> we launch the hourglass, "P" takes a piece of paper and makes his team guess as many words as possible. When the hourglass ends, move on to the next group and so on until there is no more paper in the hat.
NB: each group keeps the papers until the end of the round.
> Count the number of guessed words for each group and note the results on a sheet.
> Put all the papers back in the hat and move on to the next round.
> After the three rounds, the results of each team are added and the one with the most points wins the game.
4- Sleeves
Round 1: "P" must make guess the drawn words by giving their definition .
Round 2: "P" mimics the word . "P" cannot speak, make sounds, or designate objects in the room
Round 3: "P" can only say ONE word
in general, great success!
game that relies on memorizing words at each round
the fact of creating the game yourself by writing the words on a paper puts the app. confident because they know at least five words...!
VARIANTS Times up:
1. Spell
2. Definition
3. One word
1. Write the word on the board
2. Spell
3. Definition
Some tongue twisters....
The seven chairs and the six seats.
[j] [u]
I have juice on my skirt.
I have jujube and ginger juice.
I have jujube juice on my skirt.
[t] [k]
Tick and tock are knock.
[ch] [s]
A hunter who knows how to hunt must know how to hunt without his dog.
Are the Archduchess' seven socks dry or super-dry?
[g] [l]
Blue blood cells white blood cells.
Natacha did not tie her cat Pasha. Her cat Pasha escaped which angered Natacha.
[ch] [j]
It's so hot at dear Serge's place.
Games on the board
*Word race*
Recognize a spoken and written word
Ideal animation for:
revise the vocabulary that we have just approached
optimize the words on the board
relax the atmosphere with a game that apps love!
1- After a lesson where all the vocabulary is written on the board , give chalk to each and every app.
2- All apps. stand facing the board , chalk in hand.
3- The teacher stands at the back of the room and reads aloud the words on the board. The apps. must scratch them as soon as possible . the game ends when all the words have been crossed out...
*Words and Numbers*
Recognize a word or a number orally and in writing
Lexicon, numbers
Ideal animation for:
review vocabulary and numbers
optimize the words on the board
clear the air
1- After a lesson where all the vocabulary is listed on the board , write a number in front of each word.
2- Game itself:
NB: the teacher starts to give the example, then the apps. are autonomous with the ball...
Step 1: say a number --> find the word and read it
Step 2: read a word --> find the number and say it
Step 3: spell a word --> find the word/number